Its sucha day at SP 2009 graduation.
Saw alot of jie friend :D sum which i had known
The overall that jie wearing is wahkao. So big.
Like sai gong like that. Roflmao
How i hope. Next time could graduate from there.
So proud :D Haha!
Aiya dun talk big words liao. Later say i hao lian :D
Waked up at 7am
Brushed teeth. Changed and went to Mac@SP for breakfast
After eating. Went to the threatre. It was like. So big.
4x or 5x our sch hall. A bangalah was the speecher.
The head wear a big maro. Almost laugh out like shit.
Sherman was so cold today. Never talk much to me.
So i sit there. Play hp until jie go up stage take prize.
After the ceremony. Went to 1st floor for tea break.
The food like shit sia. Not nice de.
Go take picture. With taufik :D
Ofcos is fake de la. But he so handsome and funneh :D
wakaka. let me put sum of the pics :D
Me and jie :D
Taufik!! Say cheese